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Trouble shooting: Why Bother?

by Steve Litt

Book's cover

Price: FREE

Availability: Immediate download

DOWNLOAD: ePub, azw3, and Mobi.

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Read: What the book's about

What This Book's About

As someone who has trained people in the process and mindset of troubleshooting for twenty years, my greatest challenge is that many people underestimate the importance of best practice troubleshooting. So improving their troubleshooting productivity isn't a priority for them. So they keep on doing what they've always done, getting the same results they've always gotten, while those who do prioritize troubleshooting productivity run circles around them, in all aspects of the job.

This book explains why troubleshooting productivity is important, why it requires both process and mindset, and how to acquire the necessary process and mindset. There are separate chapters for employees, employers, and the self employed, because each benefits when they (or their employees) improve their troubleshooting productivity.

How to Render This Book On Various Devices

"Troubleshooting: Why Bother" is distributed as an electronic book in the ePub, azw3 and mobi formats. The following flowchart is the best way to figure out the book format and rendering app that's best for you:

Ebook rendering flowchart

A few points on the preceding:

Email Me With Feedback or Questions

This is Troubleshooters.Com's first flowing text eBook. I've tested it to the extent possible, given the test devices I have. Please email me with any feedback or questions.