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Grub Grotto

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 by Steve Litt, All rights reserved. Material provided as-is, use at your own risk. 

Steve Litt is the author of the Universal Troubleshooting Process Courseware,
which can be presented either by Steve or by your own trainers.

He is also the author of Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist,
Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist, and Samba Unleashed.

Grub is an easy and powerful bootloader that can boot Linux, BSD, Windows, and many other operating systems. Unfortunately its documentation is less than stellar. That's where Grub Grotto comes in.

Grub From the Ground Up

This is where you learn the theory and simple practice of grub. It explains the concept of "root" from the grub perspective and from the linux perspective, and the fact that they are not the same. This page is a prerequisite to all other grub related pages on Troubleshooters.Com.

Grub Special Boots and Other Tips

This page discusses the grub configuration for dual booting.

Making a Dedicated Grub Partition

This contains the hows and whys of making a small (usually less than a single megabyte) partition dedicated to Grub. On multi-OS setups, especially those that change frequently, especially on experimental boxes, this can save a fortune in time.

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