interface Document : Node { readonly attribute DocumentType doctype; readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation; readonly attribute Element documentElement; Element createElement(in DOMString tagName) raises(DOMException); DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); Text createTextNode(in DOMString data); Comment createComment(in DOMString data); CDATASection createCDATASection(in DOMString data) raises(DOMException); ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(in DOMString target, in DOMString data) raises(DOMException); Attr createAttribute(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException); EntityReference createEntityReference(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException); NodeList getElementsByTagName(in DOMString tagname); }; interface Node { // NodeType const unsigned short ELEMENT_NODE = 1; const unsigned short ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; const unsigned short TEXT_NODE = 3; const unsigned short CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; const unsigned short ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; const unsigned short ENTITY_NODE = 6; const unsigned short PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; const unsigned short COMMENT_NODE = 8; const unsigned short DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; const unsigned short DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; const unsigned short DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; const unsigned short NOTATION_NODE = 12; readonly attribute DOMString nodeName; attribute DOMString nodeValue; // raises(DOMException) on setting // raises(DOMException) on retrieval readonly attribute unsigned short nodeType; readonly attribute Node parentNode; readonly attribute NodeList childNodes; readonly attribute Node firstChild; readonly attribute Node lastChild; readonly attribute Node previousSibling; readonly attribute Node nextSibling; readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes; readonly attribute Document ownerDocument; Node insertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) raises(DOMException); Node replaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException); Node removeChild(in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException); Node appendChild(in Node newChild) raises(DOMException); boolean hasChildNodes(); Node cloneNode(in boolean deep); }; interface NodeList { Node item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute unsigned long length; }; interface NamedNodeMap { Node getNamedItem(in DOMString name); Node setNamedItem(in Node arg) raises(DOMException); Node removeNamedItem(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException); Node item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute unsigned long length; }; interface CharacterData : Node { attribute DOMString data; // raises(DOMException) on setting // raises(DOMException) on retrieval readonly attribute unsigned long length; DOMString substringData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count) raises(DOMException); void appendData(in DOMString arg) raises(DOMException); void insertData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg) raises(DOMException); void deleteData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count) raises(DOMException); void replaceData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in DOMString arg) raises(DOMException); }; interface Attr : Node { readonly attribute DOMString name; readonly attribute boolean specified; attribute DOMString value; }; interface Element : Node { readonly attribute DOMString tagName; DOMString getAttribute(in DOMString name); void setAttribute(in DOMString name, in DOMString value) raises(DOMException); void removeAttribute(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException); Attr getAttributeNode(in DOMString name); Attr setAttributeNode(in Attr newAttr) raises(DOMException); Attr removeAttributeNode(in Attr oldAttr) raises(DOMException); NodeList getElementsByTagName(in DOMString name); void normalize(); }; interface Text : CharacterData { Text splitText(in unsigned long offset) raises(DOMException); }; interface Comment : CharacterData { }; interface CDATASection : Text { };IDL code snippets copied from, Copyright © 1998 World Wide Web Consortium , (Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique , Keio University ). All Rights Reserved. Status of this document is a w3c recommendation.
Copyright (C) 2000 by Steve Litt, you can freely distribute
unmodified copies if this copyright notice and disclaimer are intact.
This material originally appeared on Troubleshooters.Com.
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