#!/usr/bin/python from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax import FromXmlFile from xml.dom import Node,Element,Document,Text import sys; import string; def delBlankTextNodes(mynode): __kidsList = mynode._get_childNodes() __numKids = len(__kidsList) __ss = 0 while __ss < __numKids: __child = __kidsList[__ss] if asciiNodeType(__child._get_nodeType()) == 'TEXT' and \ string.strip(str(__child._get_nodeValue())) == '': mynode.removeChild(__child); __numKids = __numKids - 1 else: delBlankTextNodes(__child); __ss = __ss + 1 def asciiNodeType(n): nodenames=['ELEMENT','ATTRIBUTE','TEXT', 'CDATA_SECTION','ENTITY_REFERENCE', 'ENTITY','PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION', 'COMMENT','DOCUMENT','DOCUMENT_TYPE', 'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT','NOTATION']; return(nodenames[n-1]); def printNodeInfo(mynode): __asciiNodeType=asciiNodeType(mynode._get_nodeType()); __value=(mynode._get_nodeValue()); print __asciiNodeType + ' :', print mynode._get_nodeName() + ' :', print mynode._get_nodeValue(), if __asciiNodeType == 'ELEMENT': __attrList = mynode._get_attributes(); print '(', for __ss in range(0, __attrList._get_length()): __attrName = __attrList.keys()[__ss]; __attrValue = mynode.getAttribute(__attrName); print __attrName + '="' + __attrValue + '"', print ') ', print '.' def indentToLevel(level): if level > 1: print ' ' * (2*level-3), def print_nodes(mynode): __level=1 __ascending=0 while 1: if not __ascending: indentToLevel(__level) printNodeInfo(mynode) if mynode._get_firstChild() and not __ascending: mynode=mynode._get_firstChild() __ascending = 0 __level = __level+1 elif mynode._get_nextSibling(): mynode=mynode._get_nextSibling() __ascending = 0 elif mynode._get_parentNode(): mynode=mynode._get_parentNode() __ascending = 1 __level = __level-1 else: break def parseToDOM(fname): return FromXmlFile(fname) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: sys.argv[0] xmlFilename"; sys.exit(); print "Exploring " + sys.argv[1] __domObject=parseToDOM(sys.argv[1]); delBlankTextNodes(__domObject._get_documentElement()) print_nodes(__domObject._get_documentElement()); main();
Copyright (C) 2000 by Steve Litt, you can freely distribute
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This material originally appeared on Troubleshooters.Com.
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