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Troubleshooting Professional Magazine

Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2002
OOP Tomfoolery
Copyright (C) 2001 by Steve Litt. All rights reserved. Materials from guest authors copyrighted by them and licensed for perpetual use to Troubleshooting Professional Magazine. All rights reserved to the copyright holder, except for items specifically marked otherwise (certain free software source code, GNU/GPL, etc.). All material herein provided "As-Is". User assumes all risk and responsibility for any outcome.

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Plan your work and work your plan -- Napoleon Hill


Editor's Desk

By Steve Litt
What a mess! My VimOutliner to UMENU converter was budgeted at one day. It took six. I have a million excuses for this sixfold time overrun, but excuses are like garbage cans -- everyone has one and they all stink. I made a horrid design mistake early on, and if, by reading this month's TPM, you can learn not to follow in these particular footsteps, at least something will have gone right.

Perhaps most surprising, I knew better, and have known better for 15 years. What happened that caused me to forsake my tried and true design methods and behave like the programmers I lampoon? I was overconfident. Could it happen to you?

So this month's TPM will walk you step by step through the flawed development -- where I made mistakes, and how you can avoid those mistakes. Read it. Luckily, all I lost was five days of productive labor. If this work had been done for a client things would have gotten ugly.

Don't let this happen to you. Kick back and read this issue of Troubleshooting Professional Magazine. And remember, if you're a Troubleshooter, Open Source enthusiast or computer programmer, this is your magazine. Enjoy!

Steve Litt is the author of "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist".  Steve can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.


By Steve Litt
Before reading about the design mistake, let's talk about EMDL. My original idea for a VimOutliner to UMENU converter program morphed into EMDL after I realized that my program could convert any properly written outline to any menu definition language. So I defined a language called EMDL -- Easy Menu Definition Language.

After understanding the big picture, I defined a language to quickly, easily and readably create, extend or modify menus in any menuing system. As mentioned, the language is called EMDL, standing for Easy Menu Definition Language. The name tells you the main priority -- ease. In a tradeoff between ease of authorship vs. ease of parsing, EMDL opts completely for ease of authorship. There are no end tags. There is no spanning of lines. It's completely indentation sensitive, eliminating the need for most punctuation, and making it readable. Extraneous characters are kept to a minimum. In the following is an example of EMDL, please note that the colors are to illustrate the language:
E:::Example Menu
Mouse Speedup
                C: xset m 3 2
Office ::: Office Menu
                        C: abiword &
                        C: lyx &
                        D: /data/lyxdocs
Information ::: Information Menu
                        C: ifconfig
                        P: /sbin
                        S: 1
                        C: top


The preceding EMDL file defines a menu hierarchy in which the main menu (titled Example Menu) contains an executable choice (Mouse Speedup) and two submenus (Office and Information), as well as an uplevel escape (^eXit). Each of those two submenus contain two executable choices and an uplevel escape. All executable choices have at least one parameter, a command, which begins with C:. Here's a summary of all current possible parameters:
C Command to run
D Directory to switch to before running the command
P directory(s) to put on the front of the Path before running the command
E Environment variable to set before running the command
S Stop after running the command
B Run the command's wrapper script in the background
V driVe to switch to before running the command
I Icon file

Lines whose first non-whitespace character is a pound sign (#) are comments and are ignored. Likewise, empty lines and lines with only whitespace are ignored. Menu lines are those containing a triple colon (:::) separating their text on their parent menu from the title of their menu. Parameters are information about a given choice, and take the form letter, colon, data, as described previously. More importantly, parameters are indented below a line containing only the word param, itself indented below the choice it pertains to. Choices are lines without triple colons that are not parameters or param designators.

Choices beginning with a carat (^) are uplevel escapes that take you to the parent menu, or on the main menu exit the menu program. It's essential to have an uplevel escape on every menu. The possible exception is the main menu -- in cases where you want the menu to be the user's only user interface.

EMDL is optimized for extremely quick and easy creation and editing of menus, and nothing else. Tagless, line and spacing dependent, it's not suitable for purposes other than menu definitions. There may be some menuing features it cannot accommodate. It's certainly not easy to parse (take that from me). But it's intuitively recognizable to anyone, and it's easy to edit with any text editor, especially an autoindenting editor like VI, and it's lightning fast to edit with VimOutliner.

As I said, it's not easy to parse. Read on...

Steve Litt is the author of "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist".  Steve can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.

A Bad Week for OOP

By Steve Litt
Free software begins by scratching an itch, and my itch was "I sure would like to use UMENU instead of the menu that came with Linux". Properly implemented, UMENU would be more keyboard friendly and easier to maintain. No longer would I be tied to MenuDrake, where you can't even cut and paste choices and menu trees. But the current UMENU's maintenance process is even more time consuming than MenuDrake, and much more error prone. Being an outlining kind of guy, I wished to use VimOutliner as a menu creation and maintenance tool.

The work on the outline to UMENU program began the morning of Friday, 2/22/2002. Within ten minutes I made my first and worst mistake.

Figuring an object design would take too long for a one day project, I designed with functional decomposition. (Yes, you can laugh, because you know what's coming). The program would require some objects to hold state and the like, but it would be primarily a top down design. And because the program needed to parse a hierarchy, I used a recursive function.

So let's take a look at this design. It had an input file reader object, and a bunch of procedural code. The main routine called handleMenu(), which recursed itself through the input file lines delivered by the reader. Because I needed to save state between recursions, I added a Linestate object, which kept states, determined line types (COMMENT, BLANK, MENU, CHOICE, PARAMSTART or PARAMETER). By Friday night the program was almost working program. After taking Saturday off, I got to work Sunday morning, figuring it would be two days instead of one. Ughhh!

Sunday afternoon the realization hit. If written properly, this program could be easily modified to convert the outline form of menu definition (which I now called EMDL -- Easy Menu Definition Language) to any type of menu system, including the Icewm/Linux menu system. I ripped out a bunch of code and tried to modulize the UMENU content. This effort continued into Monday. Class after class was added. A Choice class, a Menu class, a Menuarray class, and plenty more procedural code to handle synchronizing states of all the objects instantiated by various levels of recursion.

Monday drifted to Tuesday, and late Tuesday afternoon I declared the code unusable and unsalvageable. The code featured a ping-pong game between top-down and object programming, with various functionalities duplicated in both places.  The combination of recursion and OOP made tracking state gruesome. It was 768 lines of the kind of code you can get fired for writing. With almost four days sunk in this supposedly one day project, I backed off and redesigned -- this time with a pure OOP design. I got a stack of paper and began to draw.

A couple hours was all it took to confirm that my briar patch of halfbreed code could be replaced by an incredibly simple, powerful and scalable design. It looked something like this:

Basic OOP design of EMDL to UMENU converter

The preceding is awfully simple, but after considerable reflection it rang true. Further elaboration on that design yielded the following refinements:

The EMDL to UMENU Converter object design

Wednesday morning I went to Burger King, where I discussed the design with fellow LEAP member Hale Pringle. He felt the design was reasonable, adding that it might be a good idea to get rid of the recursion, possibly by multiple passes through the input. I declined, feeling the recursive algorithm was close to finished. I dreaded rewriting that algorithm, and felt that if the recursion could be encapsulated in the Parser object instead of splattering itself all over the main routine, it would be OK.

But as I continued to transfer code from the procedural section to the appropriate classes, once again it looked like recursion, now entirely in the Parser object, would be a problem. Recursion is wonderful in simple algorithms, but as you need more variables to pass between recursions, the situation degenerates. Part of the problem is that while the input is a hierarchy of menus, the output is a flat array of menus. Hierarchical output is trivial with recursion, but a flat array of menus whose choices are in order, uninterupted by lower levels -- that's a different animal.

So I began investigating alternatives. For all I know there might be 100 alternatives to recursion, but the two most familiar to me are the DOM API method of getFirstChild/getNextSibling/getParent, and use of a stack to store what would be local to a recursion instance. A third alternative is object recursion, where an object instantiates one or more instances of its class, but I chose not to go there.

The Parser Object

Wanting the program to run without a DOM parser, and not wanting to code all the pointers necessary for a getFirstChild/getNextSibling/getParent API, I chose the stack. In this case, it was a stack implemented as a string.

A few minutes of thought confirmed the fact that if each menu could be looked up with a specific ID, and that ID could be calculated during parsing, then information could be ringtossed to the proper menu in real time. So I used the poor man's stack -- the hierarchical string. The string's length is proportional to the menu's level. The root menu is "01", the root menu's first child is "0101", the first child of "0101" is "010101", and the second child of the root menu is "0102". The fact that each level is 2 digits means a given menu can have 99 submenus (only menu type items receive these IDs). Clearly no menu used on an ordinary monitor would have more than 99 submenus. This hierarchical string was accomplished by three methods in the parser:

Transitions between levels were deduced by the number of initial Tab characters on the line. Levels of previous menus were deduced by dividing by 2 the lengths of their ID's.

If each menu contained nothing but submenus, deducing level changes would be trivial. But given that some items are choices, and the fact that a menu is a choice on its parent menu but also a menu in its own right, things get difficult and beyond the scope of this magazine. If you're interested you can download the code (download URL in the URL's section of this magazine).

But I'll give you one hint. The loop that does the parsing maintains two variables,  $previousMenuID and $parentMenuID.

Choices, and the choice components of menus, have their info written to the menu object at $parentMenuID. But the menu component of menus are assigned a new ID, deduced from their level and from $previousMenuID.

The Menutree Object

The final design has Choice objects, each with their own methods and an array of key/value parameters with methods for accessing the parameters. There are Menu objects, with an array of Choice objects and methods for accessing those choices and for accessing menu specific information. And there's the Menutree object, with a key/value hash (associative array) of Menu objects keyed by the hierarchical string discussed previously, and methods to access those objects. But it has many more methods, because encapsulation demands that the Parser and Writer classes know nothing about the Choice or Menu classes. So the Menutree class has methods to append a choice to the current menu, and append a parameter to the current menu's current choice. It has a selftest() method to deduce any Menu errors, all the way down to the parameter level. It has methods to invalidate the array and to test it's validity. If either the Parser or the Menutree's selftest() deduce an error, they invalidate the Menutree. The Writer object refuses to write an invalidated Menutree.

The program instantiates exactly one Menutree object, which in turn instantiates its "has-a" contained class hierarchy of Menu and Choice classes, is straightforward -- a mighty relief from the complex Parser. Basically, if you get the right information into the Menutree object, writing that information is easy. But the writing is done by a separate object...

The Writer Object

The Writer object's purpose in life is to suck information out of the Menutree object and write that information in a form readable for whatever menu system you are running. The only Writer class I wrote was for UMENU, but it wouldn't be hard to write one for the KDE menu system, the Icewm menu system, or most other menu systems. This means no matter what menu system you use, if you write a Writer object for your menu system, you can author that menu system with this program.

Perhaps more fascinating, if you write a Parser class for your menu system, and a Writer class for EMDL, you can create EMDL from your current menu structure. True round trip development.

Learn From My Mistakes

I used structured programming design techniques even though I knew the program would have objects. As you can see, that was a bonehead mistake. You might take comfort in the fact that you already know better than to do that. But guess what -- I knew better too. I've known better since the mid 1990's.

And yet I designed this object program with functional decomposition. Why would I make such a stupid mistake? Could you fall into the same trap?

I speak OOP as a second language -- my mother tongue is top-down structured design. I figured I'd save a couple hours by doing the design in my mother tongue. If you began programming before 1994 your mother tongue might also be top-down structured design, and for a small OOP project you might figure you can get away with functional decomposition design techniques. And if you do, you might get burned the way I did. And if you're really unlucky it will be for a client who will curse your name for taking 6 days for a 1 day project.

Note: After seeing the complexity of the parsing algorithm, I think a more reasonable time estimate would have been 2-3 days -- but nowhere near 6.

So pick your best Object design technique, and use it -- even if it takes much more time than a more familiar structured technique. Objects mix poorly with a structured main routine and subroutines, leading to parallel code in each section, and a ping-pong game between the structured and object parts of your program.

For this project, the OOP design technique I used (once I used one at all :-) was to envision the entire program as a machine, and determine what "parts" the machine needs, and what sub parts each of those parts need to do its job, and so on.

The Finished Product

All's well that end's well. The finished product has three major classes, Parser, Menutree and Writer. Parser and Writer know nothing of each others' existence. Parser and Writer know only the interface methods of Menutree, and know nothing of its complex internals. The following is the main module, showing the modular nature of the program's construction.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### Copyright (C) 2002 by Steve Litt ###

use strict;
use Menutree;
use Emdlparser;
use Umenuwriter;

package main;

sub usage()
        print "Usage:\n";
        print " emdlFilename\n";
        print "Where emdlFilename is the name of the emdl file to be parsed.\n";
        print "The output is a tree of UMENU .mnu files in the current directory.\n";
        print "\n";

sub main()
        unless(@ARGV == 1)
        my($filename) = $ARGV[0];

        my($menuTreeObj) = Menutree->new();
        my($parserObj) = Parser->new($filename,$menuTreeObj);
        my($writerObj) = Writer->new('arg_not_used',$menuTreeObj);

        if($menuTreeObj->isValid()) {$writerObj->write();}


Just remember my tale of woe, and the next time you think you're such a hotshot that proper design isn't necessary, know that pride comes before the fall.

Steve Litt is the author of Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist. He can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.

Recursion Alternatives

By Steve Litt
Recursion is a wonderful invention. Nothing's better for walking directory trees or brute-forcing simple games and puzzles. But if recursive routines require substantial interaction with the rest of the program, things get ugly quickly. If your recursion cannot be encapsulated, perhaps you should consider recursion alternatives. This is also true if the output isn't in the same nice hierarchy order as the input.

There are many recursion alternatives. Here are some I've used:

Hierarchy string

This is a sweet method if you can use it. From an overhead perspective it's fantastic, using strings instead of the pointers and pointer manipulation code necessary to implement stacks and getFirstChild/getNextSibling/getParent. Another benefit is that this method works well with both flat and hierarchical output.

As shown in the preceding article, it works great for a hierarchy implemented as a sequential list, such as an outline. For simplicity, let's say that each node can have no more than 26 subnodes. Then the first node would be "a", its first child would be "aa" and its second child would be "ab". The first child of "ab" would be "aba". Below is an example showing indentation, and the strings that would be assigned to the indented lines as the indented hierarchy is read sequentially:

The beauty is that these strings can be sorted and selected for the desired output. For instance, a simple string sort will output them in hierarchical order, with the level defined by the string length. But let's say you want to output each parent with its direct children and nothing else. Prepend the string length (zero filled to the left, of course), and sort again, and look what you get:

The preceding sort can easily be converted to a list of parents and direct children by deducing that each node's parent is the node's string with the rightmost letter trimmed off. Using a little break logic your output would look like this:







One more nice thing about hierarchy strings is that if your language offers hashes (key/value pair associative arrays), hierarchy strings offer lightning fast lookup of specific nodes.


A stack is a more thorough recursion substitute because it can store state. As an example, let's say you need to walk a directory tree and for some bizarre reason you can't use recursion (that indeed would be bizarre, because recursion is far and away the best method of walking a directory tree). But anyway, you'd set up a loop that pushes and pops from a stack. Here's the approximate pseudo code (untested):
if defined(filenode)

While level > 0
  if not ascending 
    process this filenode


  //first try for a child
  if filenode is a directory and not ascending
    push the filenode
    filenode=getfirst(current directory(filenode))
    if defined(filenode)
      pop the filenode

  //else try for a sibling
  if not found
    if defined(filenode)

  //else get parent, and next iteration will go right or up
  if not found
    pop the filenode

Obviously this is a silly alternative for a simple recursive directory tree walk, but it illustrates how a stack can substitute for recursion in even in a fairly hardcore recursion domain. You could probably implement a backtracking algorithm with a stack too.

As long as you can store the current state on the stack, pop and use it later (in other words, no side effects on down, right or up), you can iteratively walk a tree exactly as if you had recursed it.

Multiple passes by level

Sometimes brute force is the best. Take the case where you need to list a parent with all its direct children but none of the grandchildren. You could do one scan per level and list them. This would give you something like like the output discussed in the hierarchy string section of this article in which you sorted first by level and then by string.

Multiple passes can be time consuming, and coding them isn't always easy. You must figure out how to store what you've read so far -- often with hierarchy strings :-).

Often you're better going with hierarchy strings than with multiple passes.


If you can manage to construct functions getFirstChild(), getNextSibling() and getParent(), you can walk the tree using simple iteration. The basic method is this, assuming "down" is moving to a lower level and "right" is getting the next sibling: One example of this technique was discussed in the section on stacks. XML DOM documents present another example. DOM documents have a pointer system facilitating these functions. DOM has the additional advantage of having getLastChild() and getPreviousSibling(), so you can walk the tree backwards.

This is excellent because it not only facilitates walking the whole tree, but it facilitates fast sequential search for a given node. For instance, if you're looking for a node whose hierarchy string would be bfbc, you'd do the following:

The preceding is oversimplified because it assumes that getFirstChild() will never get the desired parent node -- a bogus assumption. Also, the real algorithm wouldn't have the specific node letters hardcoded, but would instead compare the letter of the retrieved node to a variable containing the letter for the the current level.


Recursion is a great invention. It's tops when it comes to walking directory trees or brute forcing game logic (tic tac toe and running mazes come to mind). But for many programmers recursion doesn't mix well with other logic, so unless you can provide a thin interface between the recursion and the rest of the program, especially various objects, you might want to investigate the recursion alternatives of hierarchy strings, a stack, multiple runs, or getFirstChild/getNextSibling/getParent (which can be implemented with pointers, or through hierarchy strings, or probably many other ways).
Steve Litt is the author of "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist".  Steve can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.

Life After Windows: Who Owns Your Computer?

Life After Windows is a regular Troubleshooting Professional column, by Steve Litt, bringing you observations and tips subsequent to Troubleshooters.Com's Windows to Linux conversion.
By Steve Litt
You might wonder why I tried to replace the tested, tried and true menu system in Icewm with my homegrown UMENU. With much less work I probably could have made the built-in system jump through hoops. Was it just a hacker-geek-macho daydream gone awry?

One might argue the preceding question in the affirmative. As of March 7, UMENU still isn't useable because it must run in an xterm using the xterm -e syntax, and anything spawned by such a process dies when the terminal goes away. Depending on what alternatives I find, I might need to implement a socket server to spawn programs and a socket client to tell the server what command to run, thus decoupling the running of the command from the menu and its terminal, via an extremely thin interface.

Isn't it crazy to do this much work just to switch away from the menu system that comes with Linux? Isn't this proof that maybe I never should have switched away from Windows?

Quite the opposite! Much more than Windows, Linux gives you the opportunity to mold the user interface to your exact needs. A great example is VimOutliner -- an adaptation of the Vim editor that works as a hyper-productive outliner. It took a few days to program, and it's saved several multiples of that amount so far, and saves me more time every day. I even created a VimOutliner to LyX conversion program, thus jumpstarting my "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist" book. Try that with your favorite Windows outliner!

Linux is driven by utility, not by marketing or what Judge Jackson and the appeals court call monopolism. Therefore, Linux has less need to insert incompatibilities with past products or competitors. With Linux, your modifications today can be used for years. And of course, Linux provides the ultimate modification facility -- free access to the source code. Free access to all -- not just to priveleged vendors and developers.

It all boils down to this question: Do you want to mold your computing experience to your needs, or do you want to drift along with whatever your software vendors give you this year?

To state the question more succinctly, who owns your computer?

Steve Litt is the author of the course on the Universal Troubleshooting Process.  He can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.

Linux Log: Linux as a Developer Education Tool

By Steve Litt
I think budding application developers should learn to program on Linux machines using Linux languages. Many people would call me crazy.

Crazy, they'd say, because 85% of the developer jobs are Windows based. Crazy, they'd say, because in the "real world" developers use RAD drag and drop development environments, not a text editor. Crazy, they'd say, because the student needs to get into the workforce fast, and VB can get you there faster than the source code based Java or C++ you'd learn on a Linux box.

They're right on all three counts, but I'm not crazy. I'm right.

If a school, training course, or book simply teaches the prospective developer how to assemble an app using drag and drop, they're creating a monster. As a guy who has cleaned up after many such monsters, I can tell you that the developer without design knowledge is an unintentional saboteur. His code will be ugly and buggy at birth, and every round of maintenance will make it much worse.

Unfortunately, many schools and training programs have become monster factories. How well I remember my CS student neighbor who was quite unimpressed with my Symptom Description Wizard (Java), until I used a batch file to compile it. Then his jaw dropped. With a look of worship on his face. "How did you do that? Were you using the command line? Where was your development environment? How did you know what to do? Can you tell me how to do that? How did you change that file? They never taught us any of that in school!" .

I told him about code, and design, and encapsulation, and the fact that objects are much more than a convenient drop target on your screen. With any luck I rehumanized the monster his school was on the way to creating.

A developer's #1 responsibility is design. Let me repeat that...

A developer's #1 responsibility is design!

Of course it could be said that some developers are handed a fully designed class, whose every method is completely specified, and told to code it. Such a developer would not need design skills. But such a programmer would not advance beyond the "junior programmer" designation until he learned design skills. And a developer taking a more complete role in the development process needs to perform an excellent design.

Design is for the most part language independent and "development environment" independent. Classes must be mapped to the problem domain. In a program simulating a car you might have major classes called Engine, Transmission and Dashboard. In a business app major classes might be called Employee, Contractor, and Contact -- all subclasses of the Person class, as well as classes for Customer and maybe AccountingSystem. A file conversion program might have classes Parser, Menutree and Writer

But a design centered around classes called CustomerInputForm and EmployeeInputForm won't stand the test of time. And that introduces the reason Linux and its programming languages are best for teaching and learning design.

The priority for most "drag and drop development environments" is coding speed, plain and simple. Or, for the more skeptical among us, the illusion of coding speed -- a marketing ploy. They encourage creation of an app by creating input forms and output reports, and a menu system to navigate. That might be fast, but it doesn't teach design. And by the time the debugging phase of development is over, it might not even be fast.

A second priority of drag and drop development environments is, to put it delicately, access for the algorithmically challenged. The marketing cry for this priority goes something like this: "Skillful developers are rare and expensive. Less skilled developers can use product to create an excellent system".

So drag and drop development environments do not prioritize good design.

Every Linux computer comes with Java and C++, both incredibly capable object oriented languages. Java is especially good because once you know the basics of class creation, you can use pre-created classes from the JDK, as well as Javabeans, EJB, and a host of other things. Java is the ideal laboratory for learning design.

The GNU C++ that ships with every Linux box is for the most part ANSI C++, unencumbered with "frameworks", "devlopment environments" or other geegaws that obfuscate the language. For the most part, if a program compiles in GNU C++, it will compile in any ANSI C++ implementation.

The C++ and Java that come with Linux are free. You can install them on as many computers as you desire. You can set up a computer laboratory using ancient 32 Meg Pentium 75's, and the students in that laboratory will be well served. That's because the C++ and Java that come with Linux don't need a graphical user interface, and they can be edited with any text editor. The reason I bring up the 32 Meg Pentium 75 machines is that much of our society cannot afford proprietary licenses and hardware capable of running a GUI and a "development environment". Those people are the most needful of training, but perversely they're priced out of training. Increasingly, churches and other supporters of personal responsibility and personal improvement are setting up learning labs using hand-me-down Linux machines. Linux is a powerful weapon against the digital divide.

Perhaps a better way to set up a Linux computer lab is by using the K12 Linux Terminal Server Project. In such a scenario you can use ancient, beat up hand-me-down computers as diskless workstations, with the actual software running on a server of moderate horsepower. Recently St. Mary's Catholic School set up something similar, with the help of the Melbourne Linux User Group and I.D.E.A.L Technology (URL's in URLs section).

But what if you're like me, and can afford big horsepower. This magazine is being written on a 512 Meg dual Celeron 450 with two 7200 UltraDMA drives. Certainly I could run the fanciest development environment on the newest proprietary GUI operating system. But if I did so, my main learning would be specific to that development environment. Development environments and their associated frameworks and "foundation classes" typically obfuscate the principles of development.

The bottom line is this: Even though many prospective developers will end up using drag and drop development environments, to be effective at their jobs they must learn design skills. The most effective and economical laboratory for learning those design skills are the Java and C++ that come packaged with Linux. Once those design skills are learned, that lucrative drag and drop career requires only the learning of a slightly different language (or maybe Java or C++ will be the underlying language), and the knowledge of the tools the drag and drop development environment bestows, and how best to use those tools.

Learning system design is difficult, so learn that on a Linux box, which most effectively creates a laboratory for the acquisition of design skills. Armed with design skills, you can quickly and easily learn the drag and drop environment of your choice. After all, most drag and drop development environments were designed for the algorithmically challenged.

Steve Litt is president of Linux Enthusiasts and Professionals of Central Florida (LEAP-CF). He can be reached at Steve Litt's email address.

Letters to the Editor

All letters become the property of the publisher (Steve Litt), and may be edited for clarity or brevity. We especially welcome additions, clarifications, corrections or flames from vendors whose products have been reviewed in this magazine. We reserve the right to not publish letters we deem in bad taste (bad language, obscenity, hate, lewd, violence, etc.).
Submit letters to the editor to Steve Litt's email address, and be sure the subject reads "Letter to the Editor". We regret that we cannot return your letter, so please make a copy of it for future reference.

How to Submit an Article

We anticipate two to five articles per issue, with issues coming out monthly. We look for articles that pertain to the Troubleshooting Process, or articles on tools, equipment or systems with a Troubleshooting slant. This can be done as an essay, with humor, with a case study, or some other literary device. A Troubleshooting poem would be nice. Submissions may mention a specific product, but must be useful without the purchase of that product. Content must greatly overpower advertising. Submissions should be between 250 and 2000 words long.

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After that paragraph, write the title, text of the article, and a two sentence description of the author.

Why not Draft v1.0, 8 June 1999 OR LATER

The Open Publication License recommends using the word "or later" to describe the version of the license. That is unacceptable for Troubleshooting Professional Magazine because we do not know the provisions of that newer version, so it makes no sense to commit to it. We all hope later versions will be better, but there's always a chance that leadership will change. We cannot take the chance that the disclaimer of warranty will be dropped in a later version.


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